Mental Health Training for Nurses

Online and in person

At Maudsley Learning, you’ll find a range of mental health training courses for nurses. This includes general nurses in both primary and secondary care settings, as well as mental health nurses too.

You can choose from a range of online courses, which are largely self-directed, and in-person sessions in London. Courses are delivered in a variety of ways, including group sessions, talks from leading experts and pre-recorded videos. As a result, you can choose a style of learning that’s right for you and/or your trust.

Maudsley Learning is part of the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust (SLaM), which is the provider of the most extensive portfolio of mental health services in the UK. Book your course online today or get in touch to discuss bespoke or group sessions.

Primary care

If you’re a nurse in a primary care setting, mental health training ensures you can appropriately help people with mental health problems. Afterwards, you’ll be better equipped to provide more tailored support for these patients, so you can care for their overall wellbeing.

Perhaps you’re looking to specialise in a mental health role in the future, or you just want to upskill yourself as part of your CPD. These courses are ideal for nurses working in GP practices or any other primary care setting, and are mostly designed for nurses working with adults.

Secondary care

In secondary care settings like hospitals, mental health problems are common. However, not all nurses are equipped to deal with this or, even if they are, may not feel confident in doing so. That’s why mental health training is so beneficial. It’ll equip you with the skills and knowledge to deal with these patients effectively and boost your confidence.

You can book onto our secondary care courses individually, or get in touch to discuss group sessions and bespoke courses.

Benefits of mental health training for nurses

Provide better care

Whether you’re in primary or secondary care, taking part in mental health training will help you to provide better care for your patients. By being able to spot, respond to and care for patients with mental health issues, you can take care of the whole person and ensure you’re safeguarding them against any risks.

Advance your career

If you want to specialise in mental health in the future, or you’re currently a student, attending a course with Maudsley Learning is a great addition to your CV. Not only does it equip you with more knowledge and skills, it demonstrates that you’re passionate about the topic and are pursuing extracurricular learning.

Learn from the experts

We’re a team of qualified professionals with decades of combined experience. You’ll be learning from experts in their field, so you know you’re only getting the most accurate, up-to-date information available.

Courses for nurses

Commissioned options
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Group bookings

Maudsley Learning has a full range of courses to meet the needs of your organisation. Most can be delivered to you flexibly and tailored to your requirements. Discounted rate is available for group bookings.

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Bespoke courses

We are able to offer custom-made programs, whether digital or face to face, to meet the education and training needs of your organisation in the UK or internationally.

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We value research and knowledge-sharing and will continue to contribute to the literature base on mental health education, addressing important research questions in this exciting field.