Section 12 and Approved clinician training
Mandatory courses for doctors/clinicians seeking Section 12 or Approved Clinician status
Delivered by experienced instructors, we are closely affiliated with King’s College London and part of the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust (SLaM), ensuring top-quality mental health training.
Whether you are an experienced Approved Clinician seeking renewal, a professional aspiring to become one, or a clinician aiming to attain initial Section 12(2) approval, Maudsley Learning offers a comprehensive suite of courses tailored to your needs. Our offerings include:
- Section 12(2) Introduction Course: A two-day course for doctors pursuing initial Section 12 approval.
- Section 12(2) Refresher Course: A one-day course for those renewing their Section 12 status.
- Approved Clinician Introduction Course: A two-day course for professionals meeting the requirements to become Approved Clinicians.
- Approved Clinician Refresher Course: A one-day course designed for ACs seeking renewal.
Our courses are delivered by highly experienced and qualified instructors, in close affiliation with King's College London and operated by the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust (SLaM), the UK's leading provider of mental health services. This partnership ensures that participants receive the most accurate, up-to-date information and training available. Renowned for our world-leading mental health services, Maudsley Learning is the preferred choice for healthcare professionals seeking comprehensive mental health training.
For those less familiar with the Mental Health Act (MHA), our courses offer a thorough introduction or refresher. These courses are not only mandatory for s12 or AC approval but also invaluable in helping you consider the patient’s perspective, enhance your confidence in applying the law, and make well-informed recommendations regarding detention.

Section 12 introductory
This two-day course is designed for doctors, including psychiatrists, GPs, and forensic medical examiners, who are seeking Section 12 (2) approval for the first time.
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AC introductory course
This 2 day, online blended learning course is designed for individuals applying to become an Approved Clinician* for the first time , including psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers & nurses
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AC refresher course
This is a one-day course for qualified clinicians (psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, occupational therapists and nurses) needing to renew their Approved Clinician status.
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Section 12 refresher
This 1 day course is exclusively for doctors, psychiatrists, GPs, and forensic medical examiners seeking re-approval for MHA Section 12(2)*. It is restricted to professionals who are already section12
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Dr. Penny Brown
Consultant forensic psychiatrist and research fellow
These courses are led by Dr. Penny Brown, a consultant forensic psychiatrist and clinical research fellow. As a former Associate Medical Director of Mental Health Law and the course lead for s12 and Approved Clinician training since 2019, she has a wealth of experience in this area.
Upcoming courses

Frequently Asked Questions
The Approved Clinician & Section 12 Approval Process
Please note that these courses are only a part of the AC/S12 approval process, which may vary depending on your location. For further details, please contact your regional approvals panel. Contact information is provided below:
- London:
- South of England:
- North of England:
- Midlands and East of England:
An Approved Clinician under the Mental Health Act 1983, Section 12ZA (5)
Is this the right course for me?
Please review the Approvals Process and/or consult your local Approvals Panel before booking to ensure this course is appropriate for you.
How long does it take to become an Approved Clinician/Section 12?
The panel may take up to 6-8 weeks to review and approve your portfolio, and the process may be longer in some cases. To speed up the process, ensure you meet all approval criteria and include all necessary documentation.
What does Section 12 (S12) approval mean?
Section 12 approval allows a doctor to recommend compulsory admission for assessment or treatment under the Mental Health Act 1983. If the MHA requires two doctors to make a recommendation, at least one must be Section 12 approved.
How do you become an Approved Clinician?
You must first gain a thorough understanding of the roles and responsibilities of an Approved Clinician, including assessment, treatment, care planning, clinical leadership, equality and diversity, and communication. After making an enquiry for approval, your regional panel will send you an application form. You will need to submit a portfolio of evidence for review. For more information, read the Department of Health document: Guidance for Seeking Approved Clinician Status via the Portfolio Route.
Does completing the course mean I am approved under Section 12(2) or as an Approved Clinician?
No, completing this course is only one component of the approval process and does not guarantee Section 12(2) approval. Please consult your local Approvals Panel to ensure all requirements are met.
How do I get my certificate?
After completing all online modules, the pre-course questionnaire, and the post-course questionnaire, and attending the live webinar or face-to-face session, you will be able to download your certificate from the Maudsley Learning website. You will only receive a course completion certificate if you have completed all modules and attended one of the Q&A webinars or face-to-face teaching sessions. Please note that attendance at the course is only one part of the approval process, and a course certificate should not be considered as evidence of approval.
How many participants can attend each course?
Each course is limited to a maximum of 30 participants.
How do I submit feedback?
After attending the live Q&A webinar or face-to-face teaching session, you will be asked to complete a course evaluation form. While providing feedback is encouraged, it is not mandatory. You also have the opportunity to review and comment on individual modules throughout the course.
What format is the course?
1. Approved Clinician Introductory Course
The Approved Clinician Introductory Course spans two days. On Day 1, from 09:00 to 17:00, participants engage in self-directed e-learning, which includes a pre-course quiz, modules 1-10, and a post-course quiz. Day 2 focuses on interactive webinars, also running from 09:00 to 17:00.
2. Approved Clinician Refresher Course
The Approved Clinician Refresher Course is a one-day online blended learning experience. It combines eLearning modules with interactive quizzes, case discussions, talks, small-group break-out sessions, and legal updates, ensuring that delegates are well-prepared to continue working effectively as Approved Clinicians.
3. Section 12 Introductory Course
The Section 12 Introductory Course is conducted over two days. Day 1 features self-directed e-learning from 09:00 to 17:00, including a pre-course quiz, modules 1-10, and a post-course quiz. On Day 2, participants engage in interactive webinars from 09:00 to 17:00.
4. Section 12 Refresher Course
The Section 12 Refresher Course is a one-day online blended learning course. It combines eLearning modules with interactive quizzes, case discussions, talks, small-group break-out sessions, and legal updates, ensuring delegates are well-equipped to continue working as Section 12 approved clinicians.
Can I be approved if I have not completed the course?
No, you cannot be approved without completing the course. According to national requirements (New Instruction 2015), applicants must attend a two-day Mental Health Act (Section 12(2) Approval Training Course. To prevent delays, you can submit your application along with evidence of your course booking to your local Approvals office. However, approval will only be granted once your course certificate is provided to the Approvals Panel.
How do South London & Maudsley NHS Trust staff apply for a course?
Staff from South London & Maudsley NHS Trust should contact to secure their place, rather than booking directly via the website.