ML Webinar

Building resilient support systems for families affected by eating disorders

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Eating Disorder 02W

Building resilient support systems for families affected by eating disorders

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Autism (1)

Autistic spectrum disorder in women: differences and challenges

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Psychiatric prescribing for the 21st Century

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Socia Media

The effects of social media on body image and eating disorders amongst young people

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The ML webinar provides an exceptional opportunity for participants to immerse themselves in a wide spectrum of mental health topics, meticulously curated and presented by industry experts. This engaging experience offers attendees an up-close and personal connection with the subject matter, allowing for a deeper understanding and fostering meaningful interactions with the presenters. Join us to gain profound insights into various facets of mental health, all within the comfort of an intimate and personalised virtual setting

Guided by

  • Gregg S
    Dr Greg Shields

    Consultant Psychiatrist, Cancer Psychological Care Team, King's College Hospital

    View profile

    Intended audience

    This program is specifically designed for individuals involved in or utilising healthcare services, including mental health workers, mental health students, social services professionals, individuals from the education sector, and primary care workers. We extend a warm welcome to everyone interested in joining us

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