Dr Sarah Cannell

Social Work Consultant and Trainer

Dr Sarah Cannell is a Social Work Consultant and trainer, with previous experience as an Approved Mental Health Professional (AMHP). She has extensive experience in child psychiatry, including forensic work, child care assessments, and working with young people with severe mental health problems. Until 2017, she served as Social Work Manager, Safeguarding Lead, and CAMHS Mental Health Act Lead at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust. Dr Cannell is a Specialist Member of the Mental Health Tribunal Service Panel, a CAMHS member, and a Specialist Advisor to the CQC. She also trains AMHPs on the Mental Health Act’s application to children and young people and on the impact of parental mental illness. Additionally, she contributed to the Department of Health steering group that implemented the 2015 Code of Practice for the Mental Health Act.

Courses by Dr Sarah Cannell