Sophie Doswell
Consultant Clinical Psychologist

Sophie is the Consultant Clinical Psychologist across the Neurodevelopmental pathway in South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust. Her responsibilities include overseeing the psychology and psychotherapy provision in inpatient and outpatient services, and across the Transforming Care Autism service, designed to support individuals in mainstream inpatient services and to keep autistic individuals out of hospital. Sophie has been working within the NHS for twenty years with adults with autism and/or learning disability. She is currently the Chair of the Faculty of Intellectual Disabilities within the British Psychological Society. Sophie is the co-author of “Sex and Relationships Education for Young People and Adults with Intellectual Disabilities and Autism” and has published academic and practice papers on a range of topics including employment, epilepsy, STOMP (Stopping the Overmedication of People with Autism and/or Learning Disabilities) and Wellbeing.