Challenging conversations

BAME equalities: Are we doing enough?

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BAME Equalities

BAME equalities: Are we doing enough?

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Are doctors appropriately trained for the modern mental health approach?

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Covid-19: What has been the experience and what have we learned in community services?

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During covid-19, healthcare services rapidly changed the way in which they offer care to patients whether in hospitals or in the community. The pandemic also changed the way in which we communicate with one another markedly. Challenging Conversations provided a forum for discussing many of these issues and focused on what we have learned and how we can make things better. It is an engaging, interesting and informative digital round table that brought together clinicians, experts and those with a range of lived experience. Although the series has come to natural end, you can still watch the entire back-catalogue of webinars on this page.

Meet the host

Dr. Geraldine Strathdee C.B.E. O.B.E. Hon. FRCPsych

Dr Strathdee has had a portfolio career as a frontline NHS clinician, and as an academic, medical manager, policy maker, regulator, global improvement consultant, and leader innovator.

Her career has been committed to tackling the preventable causes of mental illhealth in populations, developing leaders with the skills to increase equitable access to high quality, effective safe services, delivered by well trained and supported staff, in the best of modern estates with digital and technology innovations. She is passionate about empowering patients and staff to develop their potential, and the promotion of kind, compassionate, least restrictive care, that achieves optimal social and clinical outcomes for patients and high quality family friendly roles for staff.

Dr. Strathdee is the former National Clinical Director for Mental Health, NHS England, a National Professional Adviser at the Care Quality Commission, Non-Executive Director at South London and Maudsley NHSFT, Non-Executive Director, Community Health Partnerships, Vice Patron of the Poppy Factory, Co-founder of the Zero Suicide Alliance, Visiting Professor of Integrated care at University College London, and she consults on a range of global mental health improvement programmes.

Twitter: @DrG_NHS

Intended audience

This programme is aimed at anyone working within, leading or affected by healthcare services! So come one, come all.

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