Title: The role of media in suicide, a statistical controversy with fMRI data, and the perceived helpfulness of treatment.


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Kaleidoscope team:

  • Dr Dan W. Joyce

    Certified genius and MD/PhD wunderkid, Dan works at the Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford and is a Consultant Psychiatrist with Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust. Veggie, data head, and a research purist, Dan’s signature acerbic wit brings comedy and clarity to all things complicated.

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  • Derek (1)
    Dr Derek K. Tracy

    Derek is the Medical Director of West London NHS Trust, and a senior lecturer at King's College London and University College London.

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  • Dr Dawn N. Albertson
    Dr Dawn N. Albertson

    Summarising Dawn’s academic trajectory is not easy but, roughly: behaviour, drugs, brains on drugs and then educating people about brains, behaviour, and drugs.

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  • Prof Sukhi S. Shergill
    Prof Sukhi S. Shergill

    A multilingual MD/PhD, Sukhi is a Professor of Psychiatry and Systems Neuroscience at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology, and Neuroscience at King’s College London and a Psychiatrist

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