Approved clinician refresher course
understanding of the requirements for maintaining Approved Clinician status. | the role of Approved Clinician and how it differs from that of a Section 12 Doctor. | commonly used compulsory orders and the use of compulsory orders in specialised areas. |
the tribunal process including the provision of written & verbal evidence. | the interface between the Mental Health Act, Mental Capacity Act 2005 and other relevant legislation, with up to date understanding of current relevant case law. | the impact of compulsory orders on service users and carers, including greater appreciation of the balance between risk and liberty. |
Learn from the experts
Our sessions are delivered by qualified professionals who are leaders in their chosen field. They bring a wealth of knowledge and experience, setting you up for the best chance of successfully renewing your approved clinician status.
We work closely with King’s College London, and we’re part of the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust (SLaM) – the provider of the most extensive portfolio of mental health services in the UK. This means you’ll receive training from respected, well-trusted organisations that have been researching mental health for decades.
Move closer to renewing your Approved clinician status
Although training is just one part of the renewals process, it will help refresh and advance your knowledge of the required topics. You’ll learn about mental health law, the roles and responsibilities of an Approved Clinician, appeals/hearing procedures and more. As a result, you’ll be able to put together an informed, accurate and up-to-date portfolio.
Course schedule

Group bookings
Contact us for bulk booking discounts on group bookings of more than 5.

Bespoke courses
We are able to offer custom-made programs, whether digital or face to face, to meet the education and training needs of your organisation in the UK or internationally. We would welcome the opportunity to discuss your requirements and develop a proposal.

Let our team complete a full Training Needs Analysis for a department, directorate, or the whole hospital! We can work to complete this ourselves or work collaboratively with your own staff. Our standard outcome measures assess learner progress and produce a full report looking at wider impact of training using a range of tested assessment methodologies.