Section 12 refresher course
Please download the full Section 12 refresher programme.
Please note that this course is just part of the section 12 approval process, which varies according to your location – please use the following links for more information:
- London – please email
- South of England – please email
- North of England – please email
- Midlands and East of England – please email
If you are seeking Approved Clinician status for the first time, or to refresh your Approved Clinician status, please book onto one of our Approved Clinician courses.
If you are seeking Section 12 status for the first time, please book onto the Section 12 introduction course.
Course applicants from South London & Maudsley NHS Trust should contact to book their place.
After taking this course, you will have:
- A better understanding of the criteria for detention under Part 2 of MHA 1983, specifically Children; those with Learning Disabilities, Older Persons and Mentally Disordered Offenders under Part 3 of the Act.
- An understanding of the legal guidance contained within the MHA Code of Practice relevant to the role and responsibilities of s12(2) doctors and other professionals when undertaking MHA assessments.
- An ability to identify the presence of mental disorder and the severity of mental disorder, and to determine whether the disorder is of a nature and/or degree which would warrant compulsory detention.
- An understanding of key elements of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 'v' MHA and other related legislation - for example the Human Rights Act 1998 Act and Children Acts.
- An understanding of current case law and its impact on practice and an ability to manage and take responsibility for making decisions in complex cases without the need to refer to supervision in each individual case.
- An enhanced awareness of the impact of compulsory orders on service users and carers with appreciation of the balance between risk management and a person's right to self-determination and liberty.
- An ability to keep appropriate records, with awareness of the legal requirements for completing statutory forms relevant to the initial detention of a patient under s 2, 3 and 4.
The course covers:
- Criteria for detention under the MHA
- Mental Health Law: the legal framework
- Roles & responsibilities of section 12 doctors
- Role of the AMHP in the MHA Assessment
- Service user and carer experience
- Mental Health Act documentation.
Learn from the experts
All our courses are taught by qualified professionals. We’re closely affiliated with King’s College London, and we’re part of the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust (SLaM) – the provider of the most extensive portfolio of mental health services in the UK.
As a result, you’ll only receive the most up-to-date, accurate information on the topic. Our services are world leading, and we’ve established ourselves as a go-to training provider for healthcare staff looking to learn more about mental health.
Advance your knowledge
If you’re already Section 12 approved, this course is a great way to refresh and advance your knowledge of the topic. It’s designed for doctors and healthcare professionals who need to attend a one-day course before re-applying for approval. By the end, you’ll be able to make more informed recommendations for patients, and have a deeper understanding of how to make an application for detention.

Group bookings
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Bespoke courses
We are able to offer custom-made programs, whether digital or face to face, to meet the education and training needs of your organisation in the UK or internationally. We would welcome the opportunity to discuss your requirements and develop a proposal.

Let our team complete a full Training Needs Analysis for a department, directorate, or the whole hospital! We can work to complete this ourselves or work collaboratively with your own staff. Our standard outcome measures assess learner progress and produce a full report looking at wider impact of training using a range of tested assessment methodologies.