LSN NHSE - Faculty development: Advanced debrief course
• To build upon your current debriefing skills and models to allow you to adapt flexibly to different debrief challenges.
• To increase the attendee’s confidence in facilitating challenging debriefs.
• To learn different strategies of how to uncover biases within debriefs and how to address these.
• To learn how to maintain core psychological safety throughout challenging debriefs.
• To review how psychologically informed debrief principles can enhance debriefing practice, for scenarios with a mental health focus as well as many others.
Course schedule

Group bookings
Discounted rates are available for group bookings. Please contact us for more information. Maudsley Learning has a full range of courses to meet the needs of your organisation. Most can be delivered to you flexibly and tailored to your requirements.

Bespoke courses
We are able to offer custom-made programs, whether digital or face to face, to meet the education and training needs of your organisation in the UK or internationally.

We value research and knowledge-sharing and will continue to contribute to the literature base on mental health education, addressing important research questions in this exciting field.