What are some of the useful things to know about the experience of anxiety and depression? Can psychoeducation be helpful?

What are ruminations and why might it be useful to take time to acknowledge what thoughts pass through your mind? What are some self-help steps you can take? Alongside my experience working as a psychiatry trainee and the clinicians I've learnt from, these are some books that I think can be helpful:

10 steps to positive living – a very short, easy to read, overview of some core thinking missteps that we all make that can contribute to unhappiness

School of Life – a somewhat more philosophical exploration of life lessons

The Chimp Paradox – a practical, metaphor and exercise based self-exploration tool .

Finally, I mentioned some studies that I read in preparing for this, here they are (feel free to get in touch if you'd like the PDFs): https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30738219/ ; https://www.eif.org.uk/report/adolescent-mental-health-a-systematic-review-on-the-effectiveness-of-school-based-interventions

Interviewed by Dr. Anya Borissova

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Meet the hosts:

  • Anya (2)
    Dr Anya Borissova

    Anya is an academic clinical fellow training in psychiatry at SlaM. Anya is passionate about making it easier for everyone to access the latest in psychiatric research.

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  • 48381754 10156491028596154 3978893793624588288 O 450X450
    Dr Alexander Curmi

    Aside from general adult psychiatry, Alex has special interests in psychotherapy, mindfulness meditation and medical education.

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  • Rebecca Wilkinson (1)
    Dr Rebecca Wilkinson

    Rebecca is a core trainee psychiatrist in the South London and Maudsley NHS trust.

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