Dr Lawrence Park is a psychiatrist. He has worked at the Experimental Therapeutics and Pathophysiology Branch at NIMH since 2014 and currently serves as medical director of the Clinical Research Unit.
In this conversation, we discuss what ketamine is and what we might be able to learn from it about depression, the current state of research into ketamine as a treatment for unipolar and bipolar depression, what it's like when someone receives a ketamine infusion, the problems with ketamine and the questions that are still outstanding. Dr Park also shares with us what it's like to work at the National Institute of Mental Health and future research goals.

Interviewed by Dr. Anya Borissova

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Meet the hosts:

  • Anya (2)
    Dr Anya Borissova

    Anya is an academic clinical fellow training in psychiatry at SlaM. Anya is passionate about making it easier for everyone to access the latest in psychiatric research.

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  • 48381754 10156491028596154 3978893793624588288 O 450X450
    Dr Alexander Curmi

    Aside from general adult psychiatry, Alex has special interests in psychotherapy, mindfulness meditation and medical education.

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  • Rebecca Wilkinson (1)
    Dr Rebecca Wilkinson

    Rebecca is a core trainee psychiatrist in the South London and Maudsley NHS trust.

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